For more than 5 centuries these beautiful, colorful and canorous birds, able to form duets and musical quartets, have been bewitching thousands of persons in the whole world.
They are original from the Canary Islands, located in the western coast of Africa, which curiously received this name of the Romans not for the Canaries, but due to the large dogs (canis in Latin) that lived there. It is believed that the first registers about Canaries date of 1402.
Very much used by the sailors like pets, the Canaries conquered Europe and the world quickly.
Before the Industrial Revolution the maintenance of Canaries by the artisans was common in the workshops and shops, as a form of entertainment. This practice of keeping the Canaries in the place of work was adopted also by the coal miners, who used them like an alarm, because if they died inside the mine, that was a sign of a gas leak.
From the time of the discovery of the wild Canary (Serinus canarius), of green made gray color, up to today, much was done through the selective creations.
Nowadays, there are 4 groupings of races of Canaries: Wild canaries, Color-bred Canaries, Song Canaries and Type Canaries.
Among the wild Canaries, we find in Brazil the Canário-da-terra, so called in opposition to the Canários-do-reino, brought by the Portuguese court when they were installed here. In portugal
Regarding the Color-bred Canaries, there are today more than 300 catalogued colors, being grouped in: melanocytic colors black brown, melanocytic brown, lipochrome, agates and Isabel.
Between the Song Canaries, some races stand out like the Harzer also known as Harz or Belgian of German origin, the Malinolis, descendant of Belgian Canaries of the region of Flanders (city of Malines) and the Spanish Timbrado created in Spain from 1700.
The Type canaries are known also as Canários de Postura and in Portugal, Canários de Porte.
The main characteristics of the canaries of these races relate to the configuration of the body and the position they assume in the perch. The singing, which in some races is highly appreciated and is important for their classification, in these is hardly ever mention because it isn´t a necessary or basic factor.
The Englishmen annex the word Fancy to a great deal of these races which, not existing a literal translation for Portuguese, means "artificial", "fantasy", i.e. obtained through a careful selection. However, in our days, many breeders and scholars already do not apply this designation anymore.
The Type Canaries are divided in two types - Englishmen and Curled.
The cycle of reproduction of the Canaries, from the lay of the eggs up to the exit of the nest, lasts around 30 days. In this period is important to have the minimum of perturbations possible, so that doesn´t interfere with the biological processes envolved. The determination of the individuals sex is made by the observation of the anal region. The difference between males and females also can be realized by the difference in the way they sing. In spite of the fact that some females do sing, it doesn´t hasve the same intensity or volume of the male singing. Females put on average 5 eggs (one daily, in the morning). The male and the female alternate the hatching of the eggs and the period of incubation is around 15 days.
There are several types of cages for Canaries: cages for Song Canaries, breeding and winged cages. For the maintenance of Canaries at home, it´s interesting the option of a cage of at least 60 cm of length, 30 cm of width and 40 cm of height, with feeding place, drinking fountain, a flat bath (2,5 to 3 cm on average) and some perches.
The cleaning is basic for the prevention of diseases. Therefore, it is interesting that the cage has a removable tray that makes the process easy. You can opt to cover it with some absorbent paper (like newspaper) that must be changed daily. Exchange also the water daily and clean all of the containers. Do the disinfection of the drinking fountain, feeding place, bath and bottom of the cage at least twice weekly. The retreat of the bath is interesting to avoid baths in the afternoon. To avoid wind currents and wet and very busy places are things that also help in the welfare of these canorous birds.
Harze - Malinois - Timbrado
Without red factor - With red factor
Bossu - Spanish miniature - Bernois
Crested - Yorkshire - Border fancy - Fife fancy - Gloster fancy - Scotch fancy - Lancashire
Curled of the north - Curled of the south - Parisien - Gibber Italicus - Milanese- Patavino