New Zealand is a country with a climate very similar to ours, the Kakariki have no problem with our climate, they are very quiet birds, the chirps do not irritate the ears, they breed fine, but need space for court female, this requires giving them an outdoor aviary at least 2m in length and a shelter to spend the night and to protect themselves from the cold, food is the same as the one served to the mid-sized psittaciformes, attention to sunflower - very very little, give them all the vegetables except kale, plenty of fruit, the nest should be a wooden topped box with 30X15X15 in order for you to be able to check the eggs. The Kakariki, just carpet the bottom of the boxes, you can use the litter of pine forests, and some utilize the turf for the flowers, but without chemicals.
In these birds, the distinguish between the sexes is quite easy to differentiate. Males have the beak slightly wider and higher, while females have a narrow and shorter beak. Another characteristic is that males usually have more body, while females are smaller.