Originating in China, where it acquired the name, but also found all over South Asia, the Codorniz da China comes to inhabit the islands of Madagascar and was sighted at 1220 meters high in the mountains of Borneo.
This quail is the world's smallest gallinaceous, their size varies between 12 to 14 cm. Perhaps because of that it is quite popular among enthusiasts of birds. They are a great option to clean the bottom of aviaries, because there is no seed that can escape from them. There are even people who choose to have this animal in apartments.
The Codorniz Anã da China is usually found in pairs in their natural habitat. Males are often aggressive with each other.
When they feel threatened, the Codorniz da China crouches and starts to chirp. In attack position, the quail crouches, lowers its head, but keeps the beak up.
These animals are not birds to perch and do not dominate the flight, so they move mostly on the ground.
They are shy birds that are heard more easily than let themselves be seen.
Very communicative, the Codorniz da China produces various types of vocalizations, from the chirping of the male to court the female, to the most vocal chirp when not in sight of each other.
It is an animal that likes to cuddle and that snores like a cat when cuddle.
This exotic and unusual animal is ideal for company and in order to have home eggs or breeding in a small scale.
The smallest gallinaceous in the world, has several color mutations, being the most known, silver and white.
Males are distinguished by some lists on the front of the neck and a gray tone more foreshadowed in the chest. Females do not have the lists in the neck as acute as males, and they are more motted and a without the gray tone in the chest.
The completely white Quail does not display colors that distinguish male from female.
It is very easy to create, even in small cages. They lay about 9-10 eggs and then they hatch them. Incubation takes 17 days and then are born tiny quail to be left to the mother until they reach adulthood.
The Codorniz da China feeds on seeds, including cereals, and also vegetables. More rarely, they accept insects such as earthworms, termites and other small insects. Females need a calcium supplement for laying eggs properly.